USA Washington, DC ABA American Beverage Association Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Ireland Dublin ABFI Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Brazil São Paulo ABINAM Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Águas Minerais Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Brazil Rio de Janeiro ABIR Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Refrigerantes e Bebidas não Alcoólicas, Brazilian Soft Drink Industries Association Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Switzerland Zürich ABMI Association of the Beverage Machinery Industry, Verband der Getränkemaschinenindustrie / Geschäftsstelle Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Canada Ottawa ACD Association of Canadian Distillers Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Mexico Zapopan ACERMEX - Asociación de Cerveceros Artesanales de México Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Belgium Bruxelles/Brussel ACE (The Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment) Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
USA Hayward ADI American Distilling Institute Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Spain Alcalá de Henares A.E.T.C.M. Asociación Española de Técnicos de Cerveza y Malta Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Armenia Yerevan Agribusiness Development Center CJSC Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
France Massy AgroParisTech - Centre de Massy, ENSIA École nationale supérieure des industries agricoles et alimentaires Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Germany Berlin AGVU Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verpackung + Umwelt e.V. Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Great Britain and N.I. Peterborough AIC Agricultural Industries Confederation Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Belgium Bruxelles/Brussel AICV - European Cider and Fruit Wine Association Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Belgium Bruxelles/Brussel A.I.J.N. - Association of the Industries of Juices and Nectars from Fruits and Vegetables of the European Union, European Fruit Juice Association Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Germany Düsseldorf Aktionsforum Glasverpackung, Initiative der Behälterglasindustrie Deutschland Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Spain Madrid "alimentaria", Investigacion, Tecnologia y Seguridad Associations, Institutes, Trade press Trade journals
India Bangalore All India Brewers Association (AIBA) Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Spain Barcelona amec envasgraf, Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Maquinaria para Envase, Embalaje, Embotellado y su Grafismo Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
USA Salisbury, VT American Brewers Guild, Brewing School Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
USA Alexandria, VA "American Brewer", The Business of Beer™ Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
USA Milwaukee American Malting Barley Association Inc. Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Germany Berlin AMG Arbeitskreis Moderne Getränkeverpackung e.V. Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Chile Las Condes ANBER Asociación Nacional de Bebidas Refrescantes Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Romania Bucuresti ANBR National Association of Refreshing Drinks, Asociatia Nationala a Bauturilor Racoritoare Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Spain Madrid ANFABRA Spanish Soft Drinks Association Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Mexico Mexico ANPRAC National Association of Soft Drinks and Carbonated Water Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Russian Federation Sankt-Peterburg "Apraksin Dvor" bulletin Associations, Institutes, Trade press Trade journals
Austria Wien ARA Altstoff Recycling Austria AG Associations, Institutes, Trade press · Suppliers Associations, institutes and institutions
Germany Wiesbaden Arbeitgeberverband Ernährung Genuss Hessen / Rheinland-Pfalz / Saarland e.V. Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Germany Eichenau Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung des Qualitätsgerstenbaues im Bundesgebiet e.V. Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
USA St. Paul, MN ASBC American Society of Brewing Chemists, Headquarters Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Moldavia Chisinau ASM Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Section for Agricultural Sciences, Academia de Stiinte de Moldavei Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Colombia Bogotá Asociación Colombiana de Industrias Licoreras (ACIL) Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Spain Madrid Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Aguas de Bebida Envasadas - ANEABE Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Romania Bucuresti Asociatia Berarii Romaniei / Brewers of Romania Association Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Italy Roma ASSOBIBE Associazione Italiana fra gli Industriali delle Bevande Analcooliche, Italian Soft Drinks Association Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Italy Roma AssoBirra Associazione degli Industriali della Birra e del Malto, Sede Centrale Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Portugal Lisboa Associação Portuguesa dos Industriais de Águas Minerais Naturais e de Nascente - APIAM Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
France Paris Association des Brasseurs de France Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
France Brumath Association Générale des Producteurs du Houblon de France, IHGC International Hop Growers' Convention Economic Commission Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Russian Federation Cheboksary Association of Hop Growers of Russia Associations, Institutes, Trade press · Hops, malt and raw material suppliers Hops · Hop pellets · Hop processing · Associations, institutes and institutions
Hungary Budapest Association of Hungarian Brewers, Magyar Sorgyartok Szovetsege Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Slovenia Ljubljana Association of Slovene Brewers Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Great Britain and N.I. Newark Assured UK Malt - AUKM, Trademark protection for brewers and distillers Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Australia Waterloo Australian Beverages Council Ltd Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Slovak Republic Bratislava AVNM Association of Soft Drinks and Mineral Water Producers of Slovakia Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Germany Freising AWB Alt-Weihenstephaner Brauerbund, Bundesheim Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions
Germany Stuttgart Baden-Württembergischer Brauerbund e.V., Partner der Verbände der Ernährungsindustrie Baden-Württemberg Associations, Institutes, Trade press Associations, institutes and institutions