Alcohol consumption rises in December

In December, German alcohol consumption rises by 36 percent. But what's different in December than in May or October?

In December, German alcohol consumption rises by 36 percent - One reason is the mulled wine at the Christmas markets.
© Photo by Bruno /Germany at Pixabay

In winter, of course, there are many ways to keep warm. One of them is the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Mulled wine at the Christmas market is as much a part of winter as the snowman. Up to 50,000 liters are served at Christmas markets in Germany.

In many German cities, the Christmas markets have been extended and run not only until Christmas Eve, but also until after Christmas or even into the New Year.

Then there are the Christmas parties in companies, clubs and among friends, as well as the Christmas holidays, when people like to drink wine with the festive roast. And not to forget: On New Year's Eve, of course, people toast with sparkling wine.

So, December is a humid and merry month.