Denmark and Canada end decades-long "Whiskey War"

A peaceful dispute has been going on for years between the two countries of Denmark and Canada over who gets to lay claim to tiny Hans Island in the Arctic.

Whiskey War - Usually a bottle of whiskey was left for the next visit of the opposing delegation
© Photo by Omi Sido on Pixabay

Hans Island is only 1.3 square kilometers in size and lies on a maritime boundary drawn in 1973 between Canada and Greenland, which is part of the Danish Kingdom. Since the border was drawn, delegations from the two countries had visited the island again and again, using their respective flags to support their claim to it. They usually left a bottle of whiskey or other liquor there for the opposing delegation's next visit. Hence, this border dispute had also been nicknamed the "Whiskey War."

But in 2022, the dispute was finally settled and the island is divided between the two countries. Curiously, this creates the first national border between Canada and the EU.