Drunken squirrel goes on rampage in pub
News News blog
When Sam Boulter, secretary of the Honeybourne Railway Club, opened the bar on Sunday night to find the room "completely ransacked" and the floor covered with broken bottles and beer, he had initially assumed it was a burglary.
However, he quickly realised that a squirrel was responsible for the damage when it staggered out from under the bar. Mr Boulter tracked the squirrel from a ground floor window in the gents.
The predatory squirrel had broken into the club, got drunk and then caused £300 worth of damage. The squirrel's excesses were unfortunately not recorded by the CCTV cameras because it was too dark. Sam Boulter and the first customers to arrive on Sunday evening were so shocked by the devastation that they unfortunately forgot to take photos before cleaning up.
This is also not the first time that Honeybourne Railway Club has been the target of squirrel hooligans. Presumably squirrels will soon be banned from this place....