Final milestone: Inauguration of the new Doemens building

"Doemens 2020" is a unique, ambitious and future-oriented project with a great radiance on the national and international beverage industry. After more than two years of construction and meanwhile a one-year stay in the new building at Lohenstraße 3 in Gräfelfing, the final milestone of this unique project was reached with a festive inauguration on September 12, 2022. Numerous high-ranking representatives from politics, business and the beverage industry as well as supporters of the new building attended the festive ceremony.

Inauguration of the new Doemens building
© Doemens e.V.
Source:  Company news

Doemens and a new building project, that is a long history that goes back to the 1990s. For example, a 1.5 m wide folder tape documents the planning for a property at that time. Finally, with the help of the municipality of Gräfelfing, the property at Lohenstraße 3 in Gräfelfing, which covers more than 5300 square meters, was acquired and notarized in December 2016.

After the legal validity of the development plan, the building permit and the receipt of the funding decisions, the work planning and tenders began. The groundbreaking ceremony took place in June 2019, the foundation stone was laid in February 2020, and the building was occupied at the end of September 2021. With the new building with an investment volume of 29 million euros, a milestone was set in the more than 100-year history of Doemens. Doemens is thus making an important contribution to the training and further education of qualified specialists for the brewing, beverage and food industries.

After almost one year of operation in the new building, Doemens Managing Director Dr. Werner Gloßner outlined the following experience at the inauguration: "Working in the new building is really good, we now have the space we need, we have the technical equipment we always imagined and we are sure that this is the basis for the next decades".

Deputy Minister President and Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger affirmed the support of the new building project by the Free State of Bavaria: "The Doemens Academy has played a major role in the success and quality of Bavarian beer. Countless breweries and beverage producers rely on the expertise of its graduates. The new and ultra-modern training center in Gräfelfing also stands for first-class qualification and the close interlinking of theory and practice. Our financial support is therefore in excellent hands here. I would like to thank all employees who are so actively committed to vocational training and continuing education at Doemens."

At the inauguration, it quickly became clear to the more than 250 guests what added value and opportunities the new building offers. At various stations in the building, the practical training and further education concept and the philosophy behind it were made clear, for example by means of tastings or practical laboratory demonstrations.

During the tour with the guests, Doemens President Georg Schneider was visibly proud of what had been achieved and thanked the Doemens team for its commitment, the reliability and professionalism of the companies responsible for the construction, the generous support of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Education, and the diverse support of the beverage industry. He adds, "I am pleased for our industry that we have succeeded in underlining the importance of our economic sector with this training facility as well. With the new building, Doemens has the best prerequisites to remain the guarantor of excellent, practice-oriented training and further education!"

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