Navy Rum - Rum with 57% alcohol content for British sailors

Strong rum with 57% alcohol content is known as Navy Rum. This name dates back to the time when the crews of the Royal Navy drank rum, but were careful not to spill it, because otherwise it could spoil their gunpowder.

Strong rum with 54% is almost as strong as Navy Rum.
© Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay

In fact, 57% ABV is the alcohol content at which gunpowder would still ignite if it came into contact with alcohol, which is why all rum permitted on board had to be tested for alcohol content.

If a mixture of rum and gunpowder successfully caught fire, this was proof of sufficient alcohol content, with the term 100% proof referring to the magical 57% ABV. Wood's, Pusser's and Lamb's are all popular Navy rum brands that are worth "investigating" even today. However, there's no need to set them on fire to do so....